Saturday, September 29, 2012

“You Were Made For The River…”


You won’t know that you were made for the River until you understand what the River is.  Michael Neale’s allegorical novel shows us, through the life of Gabriel, how we need the River.  The story on its own is enjoyable and easy to read, but it is when you see the allegory taking shape that you find the gem in this book.  Gabriel loves the River because his father has taught him to.  When tragedy strikes, Gabriel is fearful and no longer trusts the river.  The story leads us through Gabriel’s formative years as the River tries to get back into his life in subtle ways.

 I have read several reviews of this book and am having a hard time with how many people just don’t get it.  How many of us have shaken our fist at God and blamed Him for something bad that happened in our lives?  Determined to ignore Him we move on with our lives, and yet, He still makes His presence known to us.  That is what the River does for Gabriel.  I viewed the hawk at the River as a picture of the Holy Spirit, and Tabitha as the person who shows us that God isn’t who we thought He was and shows us we can have a relationship with Christ.  There is quite a bit of this kind of symbolism throughout the story.  I did agree with one reviewer that the religious aspect could be perceived as ambiguous.  I think it would have been helpful for many, apparently, if there was a solid explanation of the spiritual symbolism as an afterward in the book.

Bottom line:  if you are a literal person then you are probably not going to get this story and should probably stay away.  If you enjoy allegories or are imaginative you should like this one.
For more information on this book and to view its trailer--click here-- or on the title above!

I received this book free of charge from Thomas Nelson Publishers through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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