Friday, December 2, 2011

Grace and Hope, or Misery; the Choice is Ours

The Grace Effect by Larry Alex Taunton

 What would life be like without the influence of Christianity?  Would we know we were pitiful wretches living without even the hope of …hope.  Revisionist history aside, our country was founded on Christian principles.  Laws, created for the safety and betterment of society, were based basic Biblical ideas and are meant to serve all our citizens whether or not they claim faith in Christ.  But if the laws you live by have no real moral basis, then there is no hope of justice, equality, of a better life.

In The Grace Effect, author and apologist, Larry Alex Taunton tries to show how a society, once founded on Christian principles, erodes into hopelessness, selfishness, and almost animal survival when God is erased from existence. Through the long process of adoption of their 10 year-old daughter, Sasha, from an orphanage in the Ukraine, the Taunton’s have to work with the corrupt government system that processes these adoptions.  While the comparison is made about how life will be so much better for Sasha in the United States, which I don’t doubt is true, I do not think the author is trying to make this a “my country is better than your country” type of argument.  What I got out of the book was a warning that our own “Christian” country is in serious jeopardy of following in the footsteps of countries, such as Russia and Ukraine, in denying God and thereby destroying the hope of its citizens.

Please do not think this book is a downer.  It is a great book!  Mr. Taunton has written a nonfiction book that is compelling, easy, and quick to read.  He writes about the struggles and triumphs of his family adopting their daughter from another country, why they decided to do it.  It truly make you think about what we all could and should be doing to help the children, no matter where in the world they are.  Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:  to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. “  James 1:27

This book was provided by BookSneeze free of charge for an honest review.

For full description and how to buy. click here:  The Grace Effect by Larry Alex Taunton

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