Monday, February 11, 2013

New And Different

I really like the concept of this book.  Everybody is just a little bit different so it makes sense that every body needs something a bit different than the next person’s to keep it working properly.  The S Factor diet works to fix “the top cause of overeating and cravings (hormonal imbalances), not just the effect (the dreaded muffin top).”  Most people who diet can lose the weight but fall back into old habits after a while—this diet helps you avoid that by teaching you which foods work with your body to keep your hormones balanced and which to avoid so your brain and body don’t get out of whack.

Once you take the quiz to see which hormone group you fall into you can begin to use the menu plans created specifically for your hormone.  This is very helpful, but the recipes call for ingredients that might not fit into on most people’s budgets.  That being said, if a person wants to change their life for the better without having to take medication they will find a way to get the foods mentioned. 
For more information about this book and S Factor Products--click here--or the title above!

I received this book free of charge from Watkins Publishing through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


That was the answer of my four-year old when I asked him what he liked about this book.  He might be a little partial—his favorite book as a baby was Little Blessings GodMakes Nighttime Too.  We read it every night for a long time.  Plus, he looks just like one of the children in the book.

The Little Blessing series of books should really be a standard set in any home with small children.  Are Angels Real follows the same pattern as the other Little Blessing books.  The beginning has several questions asking about angels in a cute rhyming tone.  The second half answers those questions from a Biblical perspective in the same enchanting way.  The end of the book has each question followed by the written out Scriptures that support the answers given.  And of course, the illustrations by Elena Kucharik are the icing on the cake!  These are all around wonderful books for children, and they might teach their parents something too.
For a preview of this book--click here--or the title above!

I received this book free of charge from the Tyndale Blogging Network in exchange for an honest review.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

I’m a Saver/Security-Seeker, He’s a Spender/Flyer. AHHH!!!

So what does that even mean?  That means the two people who live in my house and deal with money have polar opposite views on how to deal with money.  Now, I want you to know that it hasn’t caused too much friction or much in the way of fighting in my home, thankfully.  But I do know that it can be frustrating to deal with and is down-right miserable for some folks.

I received this book at the perfect time.  I ordered it before I knew that I would be taking a budgeting class at church.  I thought this would all be redundant.  But the Palmers state clearly in the beginning of the book that this is not about finance, budgeting, saving for retirement, or anything else.  This is strictly to understand your own and your spouse’s money personalities: the how and why of what you do with money.

I did the personality test and was not surprised by the results.  I was pretty sure of what my husband’s results would be also,  but I was a good girl and had him take the test himself.  I think when you go over the quick explanation of each personality you will have a good feel for what fits you best.  If that is all you do then you have missed the point of the book.  The best part is when you understand why you are the way you are and why your spouse is the way he is.  When mutual understanding happens then there is peace and harmony—and that’s a beautiful thing.

I am glad I got this book before beginning the budgeting class.  It has helped me to see financial issues from my husband’s perspective and not just my own.  I would recommend The 5 Money Personalities to anyone trying to get their finances in order.  It’s going to make your chances of success so much better than without it!
For more information on this book --click here--or the title above!

Visit The Money Couple website or follow them on Facebook.

I received this book free of charge from BookSneeze in exchange for an honest review.